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P and O Scaffolding’s Accreditations

P and O Scaffolding provides affordable domestic scaffolding in Brighton and Hove.  We also work in Lewes, Worthing, Chichester, Arundel, Bognor and Littlehampton.  In our opinion, P and O Scaffolding’s accreditations are a solid and reliable indicator of our skills, qualifications and experience.

Our scaffolding serves the needs of your construction buinsess, designing, erecting and striking scaffolding rigs of all sizes for both short and longer term projects.  All our projects focus on safety – and affordability for builders.

Why contract with us? Well, we have our own yard, our own vehicles and a complete set of standards, ledgers and transoms stored on-site.  Of every size known to man and mankind. If your project needs it, we have it. And, of course, we have immediate access to it, which makes things much cheaper.

P and O Scaffolding’s Accreditations.  Your Standards are Our Standards

Of course, our team understands that certain accreditation standards are hard to get – and sometimes, even harder to keep. As an established company with a reputation for excellence, we’re proud to stand apart in a busy sector.

Naturally, P and O Scaffolding’s accreditations within this industry are very important to us.  More importantly, however, we feel they prove that you can have total confidence and trust in what we do.

P and O Scaffolding's Accreditations

P and O Scaffolding is a fully accredited member of CHAS (the Contractors’ Health and Safety Assessment Scheme). This scheme was created over 20 years ago to raise the bar within the increasingly demanding area of health and safety throughout the UK.

In our opinion, this important accreditation enables you immediately to recognise  high working standards.

With us, safety management is paramount. It has to be.  Obviously, there’s no room for complacency. So, we work hard to demonstrate our commitment to maintaining excellence in safety at all times.  Memberhip of CHAS is a key part of P and O Scaffolding’s accreditations.

P and O Scaffolding's Accreditations

We’re proud to have achieved SMAS Worksafe.  SMAS, the Safety Management Advisory Services is a major UK-recognised Health and Safety accreditation.

P and O Scaffolding undertakes annual assessments (as we do for CHAS) to ensure that we’re fully up to speed with the latest safety legislation and equally, that we’ve carried out and implemented everything we need to.

We’d be pleased to demonstrate our commitment to high standards.  Contact us for more information today.